Robert Shiller認為,美國樓價經四個月回升後又重返泡沫水平,經過7至10月份上升後,前景又再唔明朗。
由野村證券Richard Koo提及嘅資產負債表衰退,正响西方經濟上演。2001年至2006年日本透過量化寬鬆政策不能為日本經濟帶來繁榮,今年3月開始嘅美國量化寬鬆政策又點?3月18日起聯儲局部購入3000億美元國庫債券去支持美股上升,呢種行動10月30日結束。在聯儲局不購公債下,11月美股表現係點?今年首三季美國耗電量仍不及去年。
摩根士丹利分析員Teun Draaisma認為,美股反彈市已完成,估計明年第一季或第二季美國銀根開始收緊,令美股出現最少一至二季回落。
2007年10月嘅美國係咪好似1990年1月嘅日本進入迷失世代?今年3月至10月嘅美股上升係咪大熊市中嘅一次反彈,完成後又開始另一次跌市?美國PPI(生產價格指數)9月份較一年前下跌4.7%,代表通縮壓力仍好大(雖然今年3月起政府已實施量化寬鬆政策)。1999年3月道指首次超過一萬點,當時金價每盎斯280美元。家吓金價已上升270%,但道指仍在一萬點水平上落(如把美元購買力不斷下降因素計算在內,美國股市高峰期係2000年3月)。自2007年10月11日到今年3月6日,道指回落54%後,雖然已反彈55%,但至今仍只收復前失地50%左右。根據著名分析員John Hussman計算,家吓美股已極度超買,並重返1980年11月28日水平,即美國上一個超級大熊市——由1966年開始回落,下跌到1974年11月後再上升到1980年11月;然後再下跌30%,到1982年8月才結束。上周佢公開提出警告,小心呢次美股熊市第二波開始,道指有機會從一萬點水平回落30%。另一著名分析員Sam Collins亦指出,標普五百RSI已上升到67點,再次進入超買區,除純利表現特別出色股份外,其餘股份皆宜減持;認為由4月份開始嘅上升趨勢到今年10月告一段落。
2007年年底美國政府負債相等於GDP 42%(1989年年底,日本政府負債相等於日本GDP 51%;家吓日本政府負債相等於GDP 178%);2007年美國私人及企業負債係GDP 331%(1989年日本私人及企業負債係GDP 212%。家吓日本私人及企業負債係GDP 110%)。過去二十年日本私人及企業在減債、由政府增加負債去支持經濟嘅情況,相信未來美國將出現。龐大嘅政府負債,令日本經濟再抬不起頭,相信未來美國亦一樣。
Watch the price whether it will revisit 10,000 dow again
回覆刪除He will certainly be right one day.... HSI will top one day, but what level would it be? But then be will say he forecast the drop. He will continue to make fame (and become fans of the idiots).
回覆刪除But his poor fans... who sold out at 13000 in Mar/Apr.... and the even poorer fans, who might have sold short afterwards or buy put warrants...
价值投资法/Buy and hold etc: Cho will tell you time and again why these didn't work, Dow need 16 years (until 82)to get back to 1966 level, you make a pity 30% return in HSI over the last 12 years, that buy and hold crashed this time....
回覆刪除Of course, his fans, being dump and hipnotised believed. They did not have the brain to note that:
1. Even if you invest just before the 50% crash in HSI in 1987, you would have made 180% even at the market low of 11000 last Oct, an annual return of 9% over 21 years (include dividends), or 12% at current HSI level, not bad. Average inflation was 5%.
2. If you apply 价值投资法late last year, you would have doubled your money in just one year. If you looked for really under book stocks, you would have made several times return!
3. If you measure market return on a fair basis (i.e. peak to peak, trough to trough), stock returns 6-7% after inflation over long term. Higher for developing economies. It is always good to hold at least some stocks.
Of course Cho will always make up his arguments:
回覆刪除1. Measure it against last peak, i.e. he will always say stocks are lousy until HSI well past 32000.
2. If this doesn't work, he will measure return based on some other currencies, if HKD/USD had depreciated.
3. If even this doesn't work, he will find out some other investment that beats HSI (gold this time, perhaps antiques next time, he will never tell you gold underperform if you choose another time horizon).
4. If after every means have exhausted,he will pick some lousy underperform stocks and insist individual investors would have bought this rather than others (e.g. PCCW).
He had been so wrong over the last several years that it is amazing why he is getting more fans. I suppose this explains why most people lose money in the stock market. They are simply stupid.
2009 has been so much like 2003, i mean cho's comments and how HSI performed. in 2003, cho cried market top in May when HSI was at about 9000-9500, having risen 10% from the low. and he keep on insisting that was a bear market rally. of course, we all know what happened in the following 4 years.
回覆刪除But in his recent books, he said he predicted correctly the market bottom and bought a chunk of property stocks in 2003....
I don't know which way the market will go in future, but if this is really only the start of bull market, Cho will one day in future say he bought a chunk of some type of stocks in 2009!!
Wake up, Cho's fans. I have seen too many of you (having been influenced) sold out stocks or property at depressed level, and got condolesences from Cho's writings.
Warren Buffet (spell right?) will regret to have made the recent huge investment on US railway for not reading Chao Sir's article first.
回覆刪除In 2003, Cho said (repeatedly) that Buffet is a big fool in investing in Petrochina. Buffet made profits of 600-700%!!!Of course, Cho never ever mentioned he ever said this.
回覆刪除In 2008, Cho again said Buffet is a dumb investing in GE and Goldman. Again, Buffet made big profits, in particular Goldman, over 50%.
Some people (Buffet) made money by investing in his own money and being overall smart.
Some (Cho) made money by writing and making people (like the above) believe in him no matter how wrong the things he said.
Poor Chao, you have disappointed so many of your fans especially in the past one year. Please stop writing your bullshits and apologize to your fans. Let those real economist deal with the big problems. Don't make any more forecast from now on. You will lose all your fans if the experience of Japan is proven to be a history. Do you think all the presidents and premiers are dumb and did not know about the bad experience of Japan?
回覆刪除History is only for review and lesson learnt, it cannot forecast the future. Cycle is a myth. Economic model is always changing.
回覆刪除Stepping 2009, the world enters into another economic model. No one knows what will happen. Don't trust the history because it is a dead thing.
Go back to basic, watch the price whether Dow will revisit 10,000.
i believe one person gave 9 comments above, if you do not like Chao please do not come to this blog, it is so simple thing you could understand easily. anyway there are two tings that Chao is right above, (1) Dow could not go above 10500, (2)羅素二千(細價股指數)早响9月23日已見頂, it means Dow will have correction in about Jan 2010. let wait and see.
回覆刪除Nov 5, Dow revisited 10,000, closed at 10,005
i have written only 5. just want to educate the suckers like you.
回覆刪除also, because cho gave numerous comments every week (and some contradicting each other, i.e. he has both sides), i am sure he will be right for
a few points.
also you really think cho made 2 points, wait:
1. "Dow could not go above 10500": but when? if Dow did not hit 10500 until Jan, cho can still claim victory, coz he will say that's the ST target... without a time frame it is meaningless.
2."Dow will have correction in about Jan 2010".... sure this will be right. but correct from what level? today's or Dec's.
you really need to learn reading into others comments, otherwise you will forever remain a loser in the stock mkt, say if HSI slumped 20% next month, cho will claim victory and you will see him a hero, forgetting he cried sell along after HSI passed 13000.
From the above 13 inputs, I can see many of Cho's fans are becoming more perplexed and unhappy than one year ago because they have missed one of the good chance in a life time to jump into the stock market. At this level, I am afraid many fans don't dare to jump in even if Cho advised them to go ahead.
回覆刪除As for myself, I don't believe USA will repeat the history of Japan.
I am waiting for Cho to turn bullish. By then, I will reduce my investment as do LEE Siu Kay.
Keep watching!
Hi, i am the one said Chao gave two points above, to make it clear that i am not his fan, the purpose i come to here to read is that i feel interesting, after reading i might know some info which i may not obtain from others, that's all. however, i did not use his points to take my action, i hv my own brain. i have entered the stock market from end March and sold all end Oct. cos difficult to make during sideway period. now waiting the correction in dec this yr. it's pitty for those who did not hv any position in the market sice march, that why many people complaining abt him. from Gary
回覆刪除It seems that quite a majority of investors are waiting for a notable correction. If that is the case, the correction will be small. Don't expect too much! Gary!
回覆刪除Watch the dow whether is will trade between 10,000 and 10,500 in this week. Test the curse of Dow10,000.
回覆刪除Forget all the historical data, it cannot predict the future because we enter the new era of economic world.